New Research Supports Electroshock Causes Brain Damage: Ban Re-urged

CCHR says new UK research on electroshock “therapy” damage—given each year to 100,000 Americans, including children as young as five—should prompt review of U.S. studies and a ban on the practice. Citizens Commission on Human Rights International, a mental health industry watchdog, praised new UK peer-reviewed research published in the journal Ethical Human Psychology and … Read more

FDA: Agent for Electroshock Torture—
Agency Needs Overhaul

In an additional article to a multi-part series exposing the dangers of electroshock treatment (ECT), Jan Eastgate, President of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHR) calls for an overhaul of the Food and Drug Administration. In December 2018, the FDA reduced the risk classification of the electroshock device so that it could be … Read more

Electroshock: The Redefinition of Assault and Battery as “Therapy” and Torture as Treatment

In a five-part series for, Jan Eastgate, President of Citizens Commission on Human Rights International, gives the reasons why the mental health industry watchdog demands a ban of electroshock treatment. With CCHR’s 50 years of investigating the irreversible harm that electroshock treatment (ECT) can cause, it is unequivocal that the Food and Drug Administration’s … Read more

Consumers Betrayed: Electroshock Inflicts Pain

Excerpted from information booklet written for CCHR: ELECTROSHOCK – PAIN AND FRAUD IN THE NAME OF THERAPY   Why is electroshock (ECT) continually dogged by controversy? Why is it that women, the frail elderly and children are psychiatry’s main targets for ECT? Where is the true weight of public and scientific opinion? Who profits from ECT? … Read more