CCHR Supports WHO Recommendations for Psychiatric Living Wills to Prevent Abuse

Mental Health Watchdog provides sample psychiatric advanced directive that individuals can sign as a prevention against enforced electroshock and other coercive practices such as those at Lake Alice hospital—in response to international report condemning mental health abuse. In its recently released guidelines to protect against coercive psychiatric practices and forced treatment that have harmed patients, … Read more

World Health Organization New Guidelines are Vital to End Coercive Psychiatric Practices & Abuse

WHO report vindicates CCHR and the many groups that have fought worldwide for the recognition of psychiatric human rights violations, including involuntary commitment and forced electroshock and other biomedical, including drug treatments. The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a damning report that lashes out against coercive psychiatric practices, which it says “are pervasive and … Read more

UN Special Rapporteur Dainius Pūras Addresses Psychiatry’s Global Coercion & Crisis 

UN human rights expert speaks out against coercive psychiatry, effects of totalitarian and authoritarian mental health regimes and forced treatment. CCHR calls for action to stop U.S. coercive psychiatric practices as part of remedying global concerns. Former United Nations Special Rapporteur Dainius Pūras, M.D., in a recent interview with Psychiatric Times, spoke of “the obstacles … Read more

CCHR Supports 22-Year-Old’s Plea to Stop Enforced Electroshock Treatment

A young Minnesota adult is fighting against court-ordered brain-damaging electroshock treatment being forced on him. CCHR cites UN reports that say involuntary ECT constitutes torture. The practice should be prohibited by all mental health laws, the group says Mental health watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights International is supporting other concerned groups and individuals speaking … Read more